●OpenHouse CC4441
April 9, 2014 11:50 AM
所在地: 東京都台東区鳥越2-10-9
日時: 2014年4月26日(土) 10時~18時
主要用途: 事務所、ギャラリー
We proudly introduce to you our project CC4441 in Torigoe Tokyo.
This is the permanent office and gallery which was built with preowned-marine containers. Opening the hatch, office and gallery connects to outside town scenes.
Please come and review our works.
Open House
Place: 2-10-9 Torigoe Taito-ku Tokyo
Time: 10:00-18:00 26th Apr 2014
Program: Office, Gallery
Client: Endosho-ten
Architecture: Tomokazu Hayakawa Architects
Structure: Ejiri Structural Engineers